Virtual Heritage Winnipeg :: Photo Gallery

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Gallery Help | Q & A
Here are some helpful hints to maximize your results.

a) Search using keywords(s), a year or street within a specific category, by using the advanced image search pull down list or click on the category links on your left.

b)The links on the left side of the gallery page will show you all the photos contained in the database under that category.

c)You can also do an Advanced search when you are viewing photos..

d) When searching for a street, omit the use of street extensions. The streets are registered in the database by name only.
ie: Main Street , or Main St is registered as just Main

e) When searching with a keyword, try using event or landmark words to help your search results.
ie: Hudson , Bay, or Parade

f) To help get more accurate search results, click on the the side links on the left, and use the dates or keywords in the description of that photo. This will narrow down your search so it is most accurate.



Click on questions to reveal the answers.

1) How do I use the advanced image search?

2) I am not getting any results…

3)I cannot read the description, the text is too small.

4)I am receiving an error message, mysql_fetch_array?



1) From the drop down menu choose the category of pictures that you would like to search within. (If you are currently in a category, this will be the default selection in the advanced image search)

-Enter a keyword (like Main ), or a year (like 1920) or the file number if you already know the picture that you are looking for.

-Hit Begin Search and wait for your results to display.

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2) This could be that the information you are searching is not registered in our database.

-This could also be the way the information you're searching is entered, is different from what is registered in our database.

note: Refer to the above hints for searching to maximize your results

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3) Using the ‘larger' link on that page, you can increase the size of the font to make it more readable.

-If the text in the entire website is too small, you will have to adjust your settings by going under the VIEW and Text Size and change it to a larger font then the default.

note: this website has been made to fit a MEDIUM font size. Any changes to this can change the look of the webpage::

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4) This is an error coming from the database.

-Try refreshing your webpage by pressing the F5 or click on the refresh button on located on the toolbar of the window.

-If this does not help please contact our webmaster

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For additional questions please email the webmaster at
