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The Exchange District

Vignettes / The Exchange District / Albert

Reliable Service Station

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Located on an unusual wedge of land bordered by Albert Street, Arthur Street and Bannatyne Avenue, this property was formerly occupied by houses during the 1890’s.

Local businessman W. J. Smith designed and built a single-storey brick building in 1901. Built at a cost of $800, it was only 16 feet deep. The building originally housed a paint and wallpaper shop owned by W. J. Smith with his partner W. McMaster; and the Maple Leaf Renovating Co., which was a garment cleaning, pressing and repair service owned by J. A. Kelly and f. R. Mitchell.





Year Built Heritage Status Date Material Floors/Square footage


Spanish Colonial Revival white stucco walls with red tile roof. 1 storey/880 total floor space

Original Use Present Use Address Architect

Retail and garment trade.

Restaurant 96-98 Albert Street

W. J. Smith, 1901; Boland Bros., 1925





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